1000 animals


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A beautifully illustrated reference book filled with 1000 amazing animals, from lizards and llamas to gorillas, great white sharks and much more. Every picture is labelled with its name, and there’s an index of all the names at the back of the book. A wonderful way to discover the wildlife and ecology of different habitats.

Book information

Age : 3+

BIC CBMC : A2N79Hardback

ISBN : 9781474951340

Extent : 32 pages

Dimensions : 290 x 240mm

Author/Editor : Jessica Greenwell

Illustrator : Nikki Dyson

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  • Reader reviews

  • “Absolutely fantastic in lots of ways”
  • I am 8 and I think this book is fantastic because it has every animal in it and I love animals. There's also a title for the types of animals for example flying insects is one of them. It has sea creatures as well as land creatures and it also has some really rare animals like an echidna, not just common animals. I love the whale on the front cover too.

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